ThanksKilling Sequel

I absolutely love ThanksKilling. It's definitely one of my favorite movies ever. They don't make a T-shirt, so my girlfriend made me one as a Christmas gift. My friends have made me a birthday card based on the movie, also.

ThanksKilling Shirt
I love being able to tell more people about the movie because of this shirt.

The creators have finally decided to put together a sequel, but they need help. I've contributed to their KickStarter campaign. At the time of writing this article, there's only two weeks left to donate.

If you are interested in helping, you can contribute here. Your credit card will be charged at the end of the campaign only if this has been enough money pledged to be successful.

I can't wait for the sequel to be made (hopefully!). GOBBLE, GOBBLE, MOTHERFU%#@R!