IAOT 11 - More Shameful Things in the World

9/11 Promotions! Sacrilegious dildos! Cryptocurrency! Paying for sex with bitcoin! Horrifying sub-Reddits! Dead baby pills!

Also featured: other things that you send your friends before closing your Web browser's tab.

We have microphones! Now we just have to learn to hold them still. After the next episode, Contrapants learned to synchronize and record at the same sampling frequency, so there will be less echo in the future.

Stream and Comment at I'm Ashamed of This

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Yoga Promotion 1

Yoga Promotion 2

Yoga Promotion 3

Yoga Promotion 4

Yoga Promotion 5

Subway Ad

3rd year




Three Boobs

Dead Baby Pills

Finally, this is Contrapants's life's contribution to the Internet:

Queen Latifah Fleshlight